Community Sponsored Farm Shares – Siena Farms

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Community Sponsored Farm Shares

Siena Farms is proud to offer Community Sponsored Farm Shares to increase equitable access to fresh, healthy vegetables in the Greater Boston area and New York City. We’re excited to partner with the YMCA of Greater Boston, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston, and Sanctuary for Families in NYC to support their missions of hunger relief by bringing our farm’s fresh vegetables to local families facing food insecurity – with your help.

How It Works

Your purchase of a Community Sponsored Farm Share will cover the cost of a Siena Farms Vegetable Farm Share delivered directly to a family in one of our partner networks. The farm has discounted the price of the shares by 10% to support this effort (renewing sponsorship options are discounted an additional 5%), and we’ve structured the following options for you to consider. Your secure online purchase can be made below; we’ll take care of it from there in terms of coordination and distribution.

Sponsorship Options

Distributed to the YMCA of Greater Boston & the Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston: 

Monthly CSA Farm Share
Sponsor a weekly CSA Farm Share for one month, or set up monthly recurring payments to continue your sponsorship throughout the year. Four CSA boxes sponsored each month.

One-Month Sponsorship
$150 — Sponsors a Weekly Small Vegetable Share
$245 — Sponsors a Weekly Classic Vegetable Share

Monthly Renewing Sponsorship
$142.50/month — Sponsors a Weekly Small Vegetable Share, auto-renews monthly
$232.75/month — Sponsors a Weekly Classic Vegetable Share, auto-renews monthly

Four-Season CSA Farm Share
Pay upfront to sponsor a weekly CSA membership year-round. Forty-eight Farm Share boxes sponsored each year.

One-Year Sponsorship
$1,600 — Sponsors a Weekly Small Vegetable Share year-round
$2,565 — Sponsors a Weekly Classic Vegetable Share year-round

Annual Renewing Sponsorship
$1,520/year — Sponsors a Weekly Small Vegetable Share year-round, auto-renews annually
$2,436.75/year — Sponsors a Weekly Classic Vegetable Share year-round, auto-renews annually

Click here to purchase a Community Sponsored Farm Share for distribution through the YMCA of Greater Boston.

Click here to purchase a Community Sponsored Farm Share for distribution through the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston.

Distributed to Sanctuary for Families in New York City: 

Monthly CSA Farm Share
Sponsor a weekly CSA Farm Share for one month, or set up monthly recurring payments to continue your sponsorship throughout the year. Four CSA boxes sponsored each month.

One-Month Sponsorship
$170 — Sponsors a Weekly Small Vegetable Share
$265 — Sponsors a Weekly Classic Vegetable Share

Monthly Renewing Sponsorship
$161.50/month — Sponsors a Weekly Small Vegetable Share, auto-renews monthly
$251.75/month — Sponsors a Weekly Classic Vegetable Share, auto-renews monthly

Four-Season CSA Farm Share
Pay upfront to sponsor a weekly CSA membership year-round. Forty-eight Farm Share boxes sponsored each year.

One-Year Sponsorship
$1,818 — Sponsors a Weekly Small Vegetable Share year-round
$2,780 — Sponsors a Weekly Classic Vegetable Share year-round

Annual Renewing Sponsorship
$1,727.10/year — Sponsors a Weekly Small Vegetable Share year-round, auto-renews annually
$2,641/year — Sponsors a Weekly Classic Vegetable Share year-round, auto-renews annually


Since launching our Community Sponsored Farm Share program in 2020, we have been able to distribute over 20,000 Siena Farms' CSA boxes to local families facing food insecurity.  That's a lot of veggies! We’re so excited and grateful to continue building this momentum, through the support of our CSA members.

About Our Partner Organizations

YMCA of Greater Boston

It has always been a core mission of the YMCA of Greater Boston to reduce food insecurity. In partnership with the City of Boston and Project Bread, the YMCA operates over 50 youth meal sites throughout the city, and distributes 3000+ grocery bags every week to vulnerable seniors and families. The YMCA relies on donations to achieve its essential mission, and is looking forward to offering their members fresh Siena Farms' vegetables thanks to your generous contribution.

Click here to purchase a Community Sponsored Farm Share for distribution through the YMCA of Greater Boston.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston 

The mission of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston is to help young people build strong character and realize their full potential as responsible citizens and leaders. Addressing food insecurity has long been a key priority in the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s approach to serving the communities of Greater Boston.

Click here to purchase a Community Sponsored Farm Share for distribution through the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston.

Sanctuary for Families in NYC

Sanctuary for Families is dedicated to the safety, healing and self-determination of victims of domestic violence and related forms of gender violence. Through comprehensive services for clients and their children, and through outreach, education and advocacy, Sanctuary for Families strives to create a world in which freedom from gender violence is a basic human right. Siena Farms is partnering with Sanctuary for Families by bringing weekly vegetable shares to their 58-family

shelter in the Bronx.

Click here to purchase a Community Sponsored Farm Share for distribution through Sanctuary for Families.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss a customized sponsorship, please contact our office. Please note that the purchase of a Community Sponsored Farm Share is not a tax-deductible donation – but will of course be so appreciated by the recipient family.  
Thank you, in advance, for considering this small but concrete way to make a dent in a giant, urgent and complex challenge.